The Growth and Product teams ‘Why?’ and ‘How’ differ fundamentally. Nevertheless, most startups still struggle to draw the line between them. I wrote this short article and designed an infographic so you can share it with your stakeholders to answer once and for all:
Why do growth teams exist?
What do Growth teams exactly do?
How do Growth teams differ from Product teams?
Growth Teams 💚
1. Why?
Increase the Total Market Share (TMS).
This means more customers (from the TAM) are using your product and paying you $.2. How?
Optimize existing loops/channels and set up new loops/channels through fast hypothesis, experimentation, and learning cycles to acquire, retain, and mobilize customers. We do all that through Product (PLG) and Marketing.3. Metrics
Acquisition, Activation, Engagement, Retention, New Revenue, Expansion Revenue, etc. 4. Visibility
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Product Teams 💛
1. Why?
Strengthen Total Addressable Market (TAM) to PMF fit and Expand TAM.
This means our product solves customer problems and provides a 10X delightful experience and new potential customers joining our product’s TAM.2. How?
Increase product’s perceived value through PMF optimization feature work and 0 to 1 PMF expansion work.3. Metrics
Feature Adoption, Retention, Satisfaction, NSM, etc.4. Visibility
12-month roadmaps. We all love those…